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Sale Conditions

• Art. 1. Object of the contract
• Art. 2. Parts of the contract
• Art. 3. Purchase procedure
• Art. 4. Completion of the contract
• Art. 5. Representation of the goods
• Art. 6. Goods disposal
• Art. 7. Goods prices
• Art. 8. Standard delivery costs
• Art. 9. Delivery time
• Art. 10. Payments
• Art. 11. Payment with Credit card or Paypal
• Art. 12. Payment with International Bank Transfer
• Art. 13. Goods Consigment
• Art. 14. Check of the package
• Art. 15. Transport documents
• Art. 16. Major force
• Art. 17. Communication
• Art. 18. Complaints and Assistance
• Art. 19. Legal Warranty
• Art. 20. Conventional Waranty of the producer
• Art. 21. Changes
• Art. 22. Right of Withdrawal
• Art. 23. Effect of Withdrawal
• Art. 24. Exclusion cases of the right of withdrawal
• Art. 25. Mild blame and liability
• Art. 26. Products conservation
• Art. 27. Intellectual property rights
• Art. 28. Personal data treatment
• Art. 29. Other provision
• Art. 30. Applicable law and Place of  Jurisdiction

Art. 1. Object of the Contract

1. These general provisions set the purchase of the products put on sale through internet network by the website www.natsabe.it (“website”).
2. The Holder of the website is Natsabe s.a.a., registered office in Italy, Bologna (BO), via Andrea Costa 121/b and warehouse in Italy, Bologna (BO), via Boccioni 4, REA n. 328362 of  10.05.1990, P.I. 03968470371, tel. 051-4070609, fax 051-3370517, email , P.E.C. .

Art. 2. Parts of the Contract

1. Part of the contract are Natsabe and the Customer. Customer’s data are indicated on the Order Confirmation.
2. The Customer is considered “Consumer”to all law effects.
3. The contract between Natsabe and the Customer is ruled also by specific regulations (Information for the consumer and right of withdrawal for the distance shopping, section II, artt.from 49 to 59 and section III) and by the “Consumption Code”

Art. 3. Purchase Procedure

1. The Customer may purchase the products included in the online catalogue of the Website. When the Customer places an order, it is understood that the Customer accepts these general purchase provision.
2. The Customer takes note that some products could be packed and customized, risk to deteriorate or expiry quickly, or they couln’t be returned for hygienic motifs
3. Natsabe confirms the Order proposal by the Customer by an email to the address indicated byt he Customer. This email confirms that Natsabe takes charge the order and the Customer must check it carefully, in particular the Customer must check the correctness of the personal data. 


Art. 4. Completion of the Contract

1. Natsabe has the right to accept, at its own discretion, the order sent by the Customer, without the latter being able to make claims or rights of any kind, including compensation, in the event of non-acceptance of the order.
2. If Natsabe finds some discrepancies in the order confirmation (prices, characteristics or unavailability of one or more items) it will communicate them by email or by phone and the Customer will be free to accept or not the new proposal.

Art. 5. Representation of the goods

1. Visual representation of products on the Website, where available, normally corresponds to the photographic image of the products themselves and / or their packaging. This representation is for the purpose of presenting them for sale without any guarantee or commitment by Natsabe about the exact match of the image depicted on the Site with the actual product.
2. In case of difference between images and description of the products, the description is faithful and valid.

Art. 6. Goods disposal

1. The Customer may purchase the products on the Website.
2. The prices and the availability of the goods, as they appear on the Website may vary in any time and without forewarning. For the orders arrived and accepted before the possible changes, the prices and the conditions are the same of those indicated at the moment of the order. 
3. On the Website the Customer may find the goods avaialble for the online shopping. The Customer, anyway, takes note that the quantity of any article may vary during the same day and it is possible that an article is not available at the quantity requested by the Customer. Natsabe  is committed to fulfilling its obligations in a short time and if it should be any delay, will give prompt advice by email.
4. If it is not possible, for any reason, to deliver the products Natsabe reserves the right to inform the Customer of the cancellation of the order.

Art. 7. Goods prices

1. The Customer will pay to Natsabe the amount indicated in the order confirmation.
2. All the prices are VAT included: shipping costs are indicated during the order process, before its confirmation by the Customer.
3. In case of use of Discount Code, the Customer
4. In caso di utilizzo di Codice Sconto si intende che inserendo il suddetto codice il Cliente Consumatore avrà diritto al migliore tra il prezzo del prodotto, anche se già scontato, ed il prezzo risultante dall'applicazione dello sconto. Si evince che l'applicazione dello sconto con Codice Sconto non è cumulativo rispetto allo sconto già in essere ma se lo sconto derivante dall'applicazione del Codice è superiore rispetto allo sconto applicato al prodotto stesso, allora verrà applicato il maggior sconto derivante dall'utilizzo del Codice.

Art. 8. Standard Delivery Costs

1. Delivery costs (VAT included) are indicated in the order confirmation.
2. Here below the Customer may find the delivery costs for the different Countries
Art. 9  Delivery Time

1. Natsabe will arrange for shipment by courier within 4-5 working days from order date
2. The delivery time indicated is to consider indicative and it’s referred to articles in the effective disposal in the warehouse at the moment of the order. No liability can be charged to Natsabe for delays in delivery of goods due to accident and / or force majeure and / or third party liability
3. In case of delay in delivery Natsabe will communicate it by email to the address indicated by the Customer.
Art. 10. Payments

1. For the payments the Customer can choose between Credit card and Paypal and International Bank Transfer.


Art. 11. Payment by Credit Card or PayPal
1. If the Customer purchases products with payment by credit card or PayPal, the buyer's credit card information will be transmitted and managed by a third party ("Intermediary") through a secure connection directly to the site webmaster of the Intermediary that manages the transaction
2. The payment procedure by credit card takes place using a secure connection, where the customer will find the amount of the order and must indicate the type, number and expiry date of the credit card.
3.  In order to maximize Customer security, Natsabe never knows the credit card number, which is only received by the  banking institutions that must provide the authorization. Natsabe only communicates the outcome of the transaction. In other words, no credit card data is transcribed on order documents and / or memorized by Natsabe.

Art. 12. Payments by early International Bank Transfer

1. In case of purchase by payment with bank Transfer, the order will be destached at the receipt of the payment.
2. On the Bank transfer the Customer must indicate the number of the order and the name of the person who makes the order.
3. The Bank transfer must be made by the Customer within 20 (twenthy) working days by the order confirmation by Natsabe, otherwise the order will be cancelled.
4. The Bank Tranfer costs that the Customer have eventually to bear cannot be attributed to Natsabe.

Art. 13. Goods Consigment

1. All product deliveries will be at risk for Natsabe until the Customer or a third party designated by him enters in  possession of the goods.
2. The delivery dates indicated on the Site are given as an indication. Natsabe undertakes to deliver the products to the consumer within 30 days at maximum of the date of termination of the contract. No liability, in any way, may be charged by the Customer to Natsabe if the products are not delivered according to the terms indicated on the Site.
3. Unless otherwise notified to the Customer by Natsabe, the delivery of the products is intended as a roadmap.
4. In order to consign the goods it is necessary the presence of the Customer or of another person indicated by him. 
Art. 14. Check of the package

1. At the time of delivery of the products by the forwarder in charge of Natsabe, the Customer must check that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is stated in the transport document and that the packaging is intact, not damaged or otherwise altered , also in the closing materials, with particular attention to the possible presence of signs indicating the breakage of the goods sent.
2. If this is the matter, the Customer must advise Natsabe by email about damages, shortages or defects of the package or/and the goods within 8 days from the receipt of the delivery.
Art. 15. Transport documents

1. The goods is delivered by Natsabe accompanied by the order confirmation, with an univocal number and regularly registered in Natsabe database.


Art. 16. Major Force

1. Natsabe shall not be liable for cases of force majeure, unavailability of means of transport, third parties, unforeseeable or unavoidable events causing delays in deliveries and / or rendering the deliveries difficult or impossible or causing a significant increase in delivery cost to loaded with Natsabe.

2. Natsabe has the right to divide, postpone or cancel, in whole or in part, the expected delivery or settlement of the Purchase Agreement. In such cases, Natsabe undertakes to provide timely and appropriate communication of its determinations to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer, who in this case has the right to refund the price already paid, excluding any further claim, to any title, against Natsabe. In this sense, the Customer explicitly renounces any claim, including for reimbursement and / or compensation, against Natsabe.

Art. 17. Communication

1. The Customer may contact Natsabe by e-mail and phone at the number and address specified on the website.
2. The communication about the right of withdrawal must be done in writing (by e-email).
3. Natsabe may contact the Customer by e-mail, phone and any kind of communication means.

Art. 18. Complaints and Assistance

1. The Customer shall effect complaints or ask for assistance about the purchases by contacting Natsabe at the following address: Natsabe, Via Boccioni, 4, 40133 Bologna (Italy) or by e-mail ( ) or by phone (+39 051 4070609).
2. Some article has the conventional warranty of the producer, that is a third part different from Natsabe. Natsabe is at complete disposal of the Customer for taking contact with the producer for assistance.
3. Complaints will be manage by Natsabe in the shortest time possible.

Art.19. Legal Warranty

1. Up to 2 (two) years after product delivery, Natsabe is liable to the Customer, pursuant to Art. 130 and 132 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 for any defects in the conformity of the products at the time of delivery.
2. Customer’s rights decay if the defect is not communicated to Natsabe within two months (2) from the date of the discover of the same, pursuant to art.130, comma 2 of Legislative Decree 206/2005.
3. Natsabe will make every diligent effort to replace at its own expenses with other products of the same quality and title, available at its warehouses, those products delivered that are damaged or defective, provided that they were made by the customer in the original package (complete with all the parts that compose it). If replacement with the same product is not possible, Natsabe will repay to the Customer the amount paid for the defective products  excluding any further liability of Natsabe, at whatever title.

Art. 20. Conventional Warranty of the producer

1. Without prejudice to legal safeguards, certain products, in addition to the legal security provided,have a conventional guarantee offered by the single manufacturer to the buyer. Whenever possible or not excessively costly, Natsabe gives it a mention on the tab of each product. The terms and conditions of such guarantees are defined by each producer, who is third subject to Natsabe.

Art. 21. Changes

1. Natsabe could modify these General Purchase conditions at any time and without forewarning
2. The changes are valid by the date of pubblication on the website.
3. In case of changes of the General Conditions, for the contracts closed before the date of pubblication of the changes, are valid the precedent General Conditions.
4. For the puchases closed before 12 June 2014, are valid the precedent version of General Conditions.


Art. 22. Right of Withdrawal

1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without giving reasons, within 14 (fourteen) days. The withdrawal period expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which the Customer or a third party, different from the carrier and designated by him, acquires the physical possession of the products
2. In the case of a multiple-order contract ordered by the Customer, in a single order and delivered separately, the withdrawal period shall expire after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the Customer or a third party, different from the carrier and designated by him, acquires the physical possession of the last product.
3. In order to excercise the right of withdrawal The Customer must communicate to Natsabe as follows: by e-mail ( ), by phone (+39 051 4070609), by registered mail (Natsabe. Via Boccioni 4 – 40133 Bologna Italy).

Art. 23. Effect of Withdrawal

1. If the Customer withdraws from the contract with Natsabe, all the payments he has made will be repaid, including delivery costs within 14 (fourteen) days from the day in which Natsabe has been informed of the decision of the Customer.
2. Such refunds will be made using the same means of payment used by the Customer for the initial transaction. Refund is  suspended until the receipt of the goods by Natsabe.
3. The Customer must deliver the products to the following address: Natsabe. Via Boccioni 4 – 40133 Bologna (Italy) within 14 (fourteen) days from the day in which he has communicated his decision to withdraw.
4. Delivery costs for the return of the products are in charge of the Customer.

Art. 24. Exclusion cases of the right of withdrawal

1. The Customer may not exercise the right of withdrawal in the following cases: (i) where the goods are tailor-made and / or clearly personalized; (II) where the products may be deteriorated or expire shortly; (III) where the goods sealed, opened after delivery, may not be returned for health reasons or for the protection of health; (IV) if the goods, after their delivery, are, by their nature, inseparably blended with other goods.
2. The Professional Customer can not, under any circumstances, benefit from any right of withdrawal.

Art. 25. Mild blame and liability
1. Natsabe is not liable for damages, even to third parties, possibly caused by its own minor fault.
2. Under no circumstances may the sums due by Natsabe for any reason exceed those paid by the Customer in execution of the Contract.

Art. 26. Products conservation

1. Products sold by Natsabe must be kept and stored by the Customer using the necessary caution and instructions as to the nature of the products themselves.
2. The negligence and / or imperfection in the preservation of each product can damage it and compromise its quality. Natsabe is not liable for any damage to the products sold as a result of incorrect retention of the same, with express waiver of any warranty on them.

Art. 27. Intellectual property rights

1.  All trademarks, as well as any work of wit, badge or designation, image, photograph, written or graphic text and more generally any other intangible property protected by international intellectual property laws and conventions reproduced on the Site remain the sole property of Natsabe and / or its affiliates, without any rights by the Customer.
2. Any use, in whole or in part, of the marks and the work of the wit referred to in the precedent paragraph are prohibited without the prior written permission by Natsabe, for which it has exclusively and in principle , all its rights.

Art. 28 Personal data treatment

 Natsabe undertakes to comply with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. The information on the processing of personal data is available on the Site.

Art. 29. Other provisions
1. All purchases of products and services made through the Site by the Customer are regulated by these General Terms and Conditions as well as any other provisions and operating instructions contained on the Site.
2. The conditions and offers could be different between the Site and the shop in Bologna, Via Andrea Costa, no. 121 / b.

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